
Ajou GSIS Notice

Postponement of The National Health Insurance Service

  • 국제대학원
  • 2019-06-27
  • 2819

- Updated Notice (As of June 26, 2019)-
National Health Insurance Service for Foreigners and Overseas Koreans


As previously informed, in accordance with the Korean Government’s regulation, any foreigner or overseas Korean who has stayed for six months or more in Korea is subject to the statutory subscription to the National Health Insurance Service(NHIS) from July 16th, 2019, onward.



HOWEVER, the pre-notice of legislation for NHIS required application has been made by the Korean Government as of following: Korean Government is planning to POSTPONE the statutory subscription to the NHIS until February 28, 2021 for the holders of Study (D-2) and General Training (D-4) visa ONLY.


As international students studying in Korea, you must be insured at all times even if the required application of the NHIS has been postponed. For your convenience, Ajou University provides a coverage with KB insurance company for international students.


Additional information related to NHIS regulation will be forthcoming when we receive it from the Korean Government.


[ Link for Pre-Notice of Legislation made by the Ministry of Health and Welfare ]


[ Contact ]
 A. KB insurance (in charge of Ajou Univ.) :  02-6900-5027
 B. NHIS Call Center
( 1577-1000 (Dial 7 for Foreign Language Service)
( 033-811-2000 (English, Chinese, Vietnamese service available)


Office of International Affairs



외국인 국민건강보험 의무가입 변경 안내 


 기존에 공지한 바와 같이, 대한민국 정부 정책에 의하여, 2019.7.16.부로 장기 체류 외국인에 대한 국민건강보험가입이 의무화됩니다.


 , 유학생(D-2, D-4) 경우 2021.2.28.일까지 국민건강보험 가입의무대상자 적용이 유예되는 내용으로 입법예고가 되었습니다.


 국민건강보험가입의무화가 유예되더라도 학교의 유학생 보험은 의무적으로 가입하셔야 합니다.


입법예고와 관련 추가 변경된 사항이 있으면 추가 안내해 드릴 예정입니다.




[ 보건복지부 입법예고 링크 ]


[ 문의 ]
. KB손해보험 아주대 담당전화 :  02-6900-5027
. 국민건강보험공단 상담전화
     ( 1577-1000 (외국어서비스 단축번호 7)
( 033-811-2000 (영어, 중국어, 베트남어 상담 가능)


아주대학교 국제협력처장