Business administration is a practical science that covers the management of businesses, which is a key element of the national economy and has a very high degree of social usefulness. Recently, the importance of business administration has become recognized more seriously than ever amid the growing complexity of businesses and the rapid changing business environment as a result of businesses growing larger and becoming internationalized. The Division of marketing, Personnel/organizational operation, production management, quantitative management, management information system, international management, general management, etc., to cope with such current demand.
Graduates from the Department of Business Administration carry out activities as experts in various quarters of society, including businesses, large and small. In the current period, in which the importance of international competitiveness has become stressed more strongly than ever, the role of experts is being expanded indefinitely, thus opening a larger realm of activities to business administration majors. Many graduates are engaged in activities as certified public accountants, business consultants, professors, owners of startups, technology management experts, and distribution experts.