Ajou Vision 4.0 Global Campus


[Incoming] Ajou Alumni Essay Contest Application (~October 9, 2023)

  • 국제교류팀
  • 국제협력팀
  • 작성일 2023-09-05
  • 조회수 15577

Extended Deadline: October 9, 2023

▷ ThemeDescribe your experience at Ajou University and how it has shaped who you are today


- An international student who has studies at Ajou University

- An international student who can travel to Korea between November 6 to November 10, 2023

 Ajou Alumni Essay Contest Application Link: https://forms.gle/ZVr5m4qbcWgi9von7

 Essay Format: Attached file 

▷ Submission Deadline: October 1, 2023

global_strategy@ajou.ac.kr | +82-31-219-2926