• 4th BK21
  • Welcome message from program leader

Welcome message from program leader

Our department has been developed as a leading convergence energy research and education institute through 2nd BK21 (Brain Korea 21) and 3rd BK21 PLUS program since 2006. In 2020, the 4th BK21 program began to resolve energy issues related to global warming. With this new program, we would like to establish a hyper-convergence research and education system. Ultimately, clean and renewable energy systems will be proposed to secure the energy resources and derive a new energy industry based on the ‘Carbon-zero renewable energy systems research’ program.

Our program covers the full energy cycle, including energy production (P), storage/distribution (D), consumption (C), and recycling (R). These four key research areas are fused with AICBM to afford new renewable research. We are currently focusing on hydrogen energy, energy harvesting, and new energy technologies based on big data. We have built ‘hyper-convergence education program’ for human resources training as the industry requested. In addition, ‘Ajou Energy Valley’ allows us to conduct education/research cooperation with companies near Ajou University. We are running various industry-Ajou co-education & co-research programs. Our resources including domestic and overseas networks will also be key components making us a leading renewable research/education institute.

Thank you.