환경안전 문제 해결을 위한 핵심 인재 양성
아주대학교 환경안전공학과

환경기능성소재 및 수처리 연구실

연구 성과

  • Park, S.J., Lee, C.G., Lee, J., Choi, W. 2018. Scaled-down experiments and numerical simulations for the design of a retention tank with rotatable bucket, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 144(9), 04018092.
  • Lee, C.G., Javed, H., Zhang, D., Kim, J.H., Westerhoff, P., Li, Q., Alvarez, P.J.J. 2018. Porous electrospun fibers embedding TiO2 for adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of water pollutants, Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 4285-4293.