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아주대학교 환경안전공학과

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  • Shin, G., K. G. Linden, M. J. Arrowood, and M. D. Sobsey. 2001. Low pressure UV inactivation and DNA repair potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 67(7):3029-3032.
  • Linden, K.G., G. Shin, G. Faubert, W. Carns and M. D. Sobsey. 2002. Inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts by low pressure UV radiation. Environmental Science and Technology. 36(11): 2519-2522.
  • Shin, G. and M. D. Sobsey. 2003. Reduction of Norwalk Virus, poliovirus 1 and coliphage MS2 by ozone disinfection of water. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69(7): 3975-3978.
  • Kashinkunti, R., K. G. Linden, G. Shin, D. H. Metz, M. D. Sobsey, M. Moran, and A. Samuelson. 2004. Investigating multibarrier inactivation for Cincinnati: UV, By-products, and biostability. Journal American Water Work Association. 96(6): 114-127.
  • Shin, G., K. G. Linden, and M. D. Sobsey. 2005. Low pressure ultraviolet inactivation of pathogenic viruses and bacteriophages. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science. 4: S7-S11.
  • Shin, G.and M. D. Sobsey. 2008. Inactivation of norovirus by chlorine disinfection of water. Water Research. 42(17): 4562-4568.
  • Shin, G., J. Lee, R. Freeman, and G. A. Cangelosi. 2008. Inactivation of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) by UV irradiation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 74(22):7067-7069.
  • Linden, K. G., G. Shin, J. Lee, K. Scheible, C. Shen, and P. Posy. 2009. Demonstrating 4-log Adenovirus Inactivation in a Medium-Pressure Ultraviolet Disinfection Reactor. Journal American Water Works Association 101(4): 90-99.
  • Shin, G., K. G. Linden, and G. Faubert. 2009. Inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts by a polychromatic UV emission. Letters in Applied Microbiology 48: 790-792.
  • Shin, G., J. Lee, and K. G. Linden. 2009. Enhanced effectiveness of medium pressure UV on human adenovirus 2 and its possible mechanism. Water Science and Technology. 60(4): 851-857.
  • Shin, G., K. G. Linden, and G. Faubert, 2010. Reactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts after exposure to polychromatic UV light. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 51 (4): 395-399.
  • Lee, J. and G. Shin. 2011. Inactivation of human adenovirus by sequential disinfection with an alternative UV technology and free chlorine. Journal of Water