Ajou Vision 5.0 Global Campus

Ajou Debate

What is Ajou Debate?

One of the most distinctive features of modern society is that it has a social communication structure that is completely different from the past due to the wide-ranging reach of the Internet and SNS (social networking services). The Internet has facilitated the active creation of knowledge by the public, whereby they gain the ability to instantaneously spread their views and the views of others. But the popularization of this creation of knowledge and dissemination of views immediately connected to political and economic interests greatly interferes with the decisions of the majority, who form the foundation of a democratic society. Therefore, university general education, with its goal of cultivating cultured members of a democratic society, must reflect the communication structure of modern society. In other words, an eye to identifying relevant knowledge due to the popularization of the creation of knowledge, critical thinking, and the ability to rise above the rudeness that is so often a feature of SNS and the Internet due to its non-face-to-face nature, are regarded as indicators of a cultured person. Therefore, in today’s knowledge information society, the importance of logical reasoning, creative problem-solving, and communication skills are greater than ever before. Ajou Debate, an online debate platform, aims to strengthen the ability to debate using the quality of communication skills that are required by a democratic society.

Ajou Debate will proceed in a slightly altered Oxford-style debate, taking into consideration the circumstances of Ajou University. In other words, the moderator, who hosts the debate, will select an issue inside or outside the school or an academic theme and initiate the debate by posing a related question. There will be three presentations each by those for and against the issue. Participants can post comments during the debate. Once it comes to an end, the participants vote to determine the winner.

We hope to achieve the following three goals through Ajou Debate.

Improve comprehensive communication skills

  • Develop creative and logical thinking
  • Enhance persuasive abilities through presentations/debates

Function as a training course in democracy

  • Develop logical problem-solving skills and communication methods
  • Identify answers to questions asked by society during these times

Serve as a platform for public debate that explores community values

  • Serve as a platform for public debate that explores community values
  • Identify problems and seek reasonable solutions to modern social conflicts

The History of Ajou Debate

table for The History of Ajou Debate
2013 1st Debate Bill to Extend Retirement Age (to 60 years of age)
2013 2nd Debate Can Moral Acts be Enforced?
2014 Must We Construct Another Nuclear Power Plant?
2015 Should We Increase Refugee Immigration?
2016 Is All Voluntary Military System a Just Alternative?
2017 Are No Kids Zones a Just Right or Unjust Exclusion?
2018 What do You Think about the Anti-discrimination Law?
2019 What is General Education?
2020 Remote Lectures and The Future of University Education
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