Ajou Vision 5.0 Global Campus


The Dasan Research Institute of General Education is the center for planning, implementation, assessment, and recording of Ajou University’s general education.

In 1946, the German philosopher Karl Jaspers defined the university as “a community of scholars and students engaged in the task of seeking truth” and presented “research, conveyance of knowledge, and general education” as the task for universities to undertake. Jaspers presented general education as a major task for universities to promote Humboldt’s idea of separating general human education and professional vocational education in German universities, previously devastated by the Nazis. This is consistent with the inclination among American universities of holding a stronger view of pragmatism than on the European continent, where general education aims to “produce cultured citizens as members of a democratic society” apart from education in one’s chosen major.

But in an industry and knowledge society with demands for highly-advanced professional knowledge and technology, university education, both in the East and the West, cannot avoid being linked to the development of one’s life after graduation. In South Korea, where 80% of high school graduates go on to university and university education is virtually universal, universities have long become a platform for vocational education. Therefore, general education in universities is understood as a foundation for the instrumental acquisition of major-related knowledge and the acquisition of credits in related courses provided in a variety of fields. As a result, general education in universities is regarded by students and faculty as preliminary or supplementary education, placing it lower in the distribution of school resources, which in turn undermines its quality.

An education ideology to bridge the more realistic social environment and the distinctive ideal of university education was proposed in the universities of the East. The Song Dynasty philosopher, Zhu Xi, wrote in “Commentaries on Great Learning (大學章句序)” that general education is “based on insights personally gained by the King by practice and people did not expect to seek outside normal duties in their daily life.” Considering the King was considered to always be a wise person, education in the Orient can be said to be an experience-based introspection of humanity in day-to-day reality.

Founded in the idea of pragmatism, Ajou University decided to design its general education courses in connection with its majors, while integrally developing a universal introspection ability that is required by cultured individuals in a democratic society. The course focuses on cultivating active speaking skills to produce an ideal known as “Dasanian talent.”

The quality of being active in university education fundamentally refers to the creation of new perspectives, and this is consistent with Alfred North Whitehead’s dream of the old and young coming together to fill the classrooms with imagination. Active speaking skills are also essential to achieving “Ajou Vision 2023: A World-class University that leads convergent areas” as established in celebration of Ajou’s 50th anniversary. To this end, Ajou University is preparing to cultivate convergence thinking together with communication skills as the core of “Dasan General Education.”

The Dasan Research Institute of General Education was established to review the school’s overall general education and dramatically enhance its continuity and expertise. Through planning, implementation, evaluation, and recording, the Institute plays a pivotal role in innovating Ajou’s general education. The Institute is committed to carrying out the ACE Project (Advancement of College Education), which supports leading universities in the advancement of undergraduate education and preparations for the future, and continuously strives to share the university’s experiences in improving its general education and developing new research projects.

Director of the Dasan Research Institute of General Education