Ajou Vision 5.0 Global Campus

Ajou Communication Ability test

English Writing Clinic

There is an increasing need to develop an objective evaluation tool and indicators to assess communication abilities—one of the four core capacities to cultivate Dasanian talent. The Dasan Research Institute of General Education has developed an independent evaluation system that measures this. The specific necessity of developing the A-CAT is as follows:

The communication ability evaluation system of outside organizations, such as K-CESA (Korea Collegiate Essential Skills Assessment) has little connectivity to the school curriculum and the evaluation results cannot be directly applied at the education site. In particular, outside evaluation of capacity does not incorporate comprehensive thinking skills in connection to university-level education. The Dasan Research Institute of General Education’s assessment system is linked to communication education, including writing, debate, and the Classics, and serves as an indicator of student abilities, which can later be incorporated into the curriculum. The Center aims to create a new model of communication education through this evaluation system, which is linked to Dasan’s courses.

Process of A-CAT

A-CAT is comprised of two phases:
  • Phase 1 (Curriculum-focused measurement): Evaluation system linked to writing, debate, and Classics courses, evaluate student grasp of the curriculum in relevant fields, and reflect such evaluation in course outcomes.
  • Phase 2 (Generalized random measurement): A general evaluation system that covers all communication fields based on analysis of the Phase 1 evaluation results to promote the evaluation system and develop it into a recognized comprehensive assessment.

Composition of Communication Ability (tentative)

table for Composition of Communication Ability (tentative)
Communication Ability Details of Communication Ability (field of writing, debate, and Classics)
Acceptance & Understanding Reading comprehension
Analytical skill
Empathic ability
Expression & Delivery Construction ability
Reasoning abilities
Speaking skills
Critique & Problem-solving Evaluation
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