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[세미나/포럼] [2015.06.05. 금] 2015-1학기 제7회 수학과 colloquium 일정

  • 세미나/포럼
  • 교내
  • 윤혜주
  • 2015-06-01

2015-1학기 제6회 수학과 colloquium '날개달린 수학' 일정을 안내해 드립니다.


[2015학년도 1학기 제6회 수학과 Colloquium]

강연제목 : Applications of Cluster Algebras in Number theory, Geometry, Topology and Physics

연     사 : 이경용 교수 [Wayne State University]

일     시 : 6월 5일(금요일) 오후 5:00-6:00

장     소 : 팔달관 621호

강연초록 :

Cluster algebras were discovered by Fomin and Zelevinsky in 2001. Since then, they have been shown to be related to diverse areas of mathematics such as Total positivity, Quiver representations, String theory, Statistical physics, Non-commutative geometry, Teichm\"uller theory, Hyperbolic geometry, Tropical geometry, Integrable systems, Quantum mechanics, Lie theory, Algebraic combinatorics and Poisson geometry.


We introduce a number of applications from the theory of cluster algebras. We discuss some congruence equations in number theory, Chern-Simons theory in hyperbolic geometry, and KP solitons in mathematical physics.




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