
Ajou GSIS Notice

Special lecture by Former executive director of KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion)

  • 김지은
  • 2019-05-23
  • 1971
Special invite for GSIS!

Tomorrow (May 24th, Fri.), GSIS will have Professor Kwang-Young Jeong who is a professional in International Trade & International Business field for a special lecture.
The IT department chair, Professor Young-Joon Park invited Professor Jeong to share his knowledge and experiences to GSIS.
This special lecture is open to the public. GSIS office strongly encourages you all to come and get this great chance to listen to the sound of the real field!
Topic:  A Case Study on Korean Company's Responses to Changes in the Global Business Environment and its Implications" with Reference to the Gulf War, East Asian Financial Crisis, 9/11, 2008 European Financial Crisis, and China  
Speaker: Professor Kwang-Young Jeong,
               The current professor in Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies
               The former executive director of KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)
                He had worked in Iran, Australia, USA, UK, China total for 28 years. He will share his great experiences and knowledge as a global leader through this lecture.
Date: May 24th (Fri.)
Time: 10 AM
Venue: Y154